Field Trip


September 19, 2024

LANGUAGE ARTS:  This week we read and discussed What's the Matter and Many Kinds of Matter.  Both are informational texts.  We worked on skills such as decoding words with long o, u, and e, using story vocabulary in context, identifying nouns, decoding words with the suffixes -er and -est, identifying synonyms (words that mean about the same, such as "big" and "large,") and learning ten new high-frequency words.

RELIGION:  This week we focused on ways we can praise and thanks to God.  We explored celebrations in which we give thanks and recognized prayers of praise and thanks.

MATH:  Students used different ways to tell if a group of objects shows an even or odd number, found the total number of objects in a set of rows and columns, made arrays with equal rows or equal columns to solve addition problems, and modeled problems using equations, drawings, and arrays.

SCIENCE:  Students learned what a mechanical engineer does.  They also used books, paper, and pencils to build a "bridge" design.  They analyzed and compared multiple design solutions.  Students realized that engineers plan and build many possible solutions, test each one to see how well it works, and find way to improve it.  

FIRST RECONCILIATION:  For those students who are Catholic and making their First Reconciliation in November, please complete chapter one in the reconciliation book and have your child bring the book to school on Monday, September 23.  We will be discussing chapter one in class next week.  I will send the book home next Tuesday so you can begin to work on chapter two.  Just a reminder that all work is to be done at home.  I am just reinforcing the key concepts from each lesson at school.

SPIRIT DAY: Tomorrow, September 20 is a Spirit Day.  Students can pay $1.00 to wear sweatpants or a hat to school if they wish.  The money raised will go toward helping those in need in our local community.

September 12, 2024

LANGUAGE ARTS:  This week we read and discussed a realistic fiction selection called Picture Day Perfection.  We worked on skills such as identifying words with long vowels "a" and "i," using story vocabulary in context, identifying statements, questions, commands, and exclamations, identifying sounds for /c/  and /g/ as in "cent,"  "car," "goat," and "giant," decoding word with "ed" and "ing" endings, and learning ten new high-frequency words.

MATH:  We wrapped up our first chapter over fluently adding and subtracting within 20.  Next week we will begin a new chapter over working with equal groups.

FIRST RECONCILIATION:  There will be a parent meeting on Sunday, September 15 after the 9:00 A.M. Mass for those who are Catholic and have children making their First Reconciliation in November.

BOOK ORDERS:  Book orders are due tomorrow, September 13 if you are interested in ordering.  To order online,  our class code is LJWD4.

PTO MEETING:  There will be a PTO meeting next Wednesday, September 18 at 6:00 P.M.  

FIELD TRIP:  The K-4 field trip to Green Valley State Park on Monday, September 16 is quickly approaching.  Please look for a note in the take home folder for more details concerning this field trip.

September 5, 2024

LANGUAGE ARTS:  This week we read and discussed Being a Good Citizen and The Great Puppy Invasion.  Being a Good Citizen is an informational text while The Great Puppy Invasion is a fantasy.  We worked on skills such as decoding words with short "o," "u," and "e," identifying adjectives in sentences, using story vocabulary in context, identifying complete sentences, putting words in sentences in the correct order (subject first--predicate last), identifying the consonant-vowel-consonant pattern in words, identifying run-on sentences, and learning ten new high-frequency words. 

MATH:  Students have been counting on and back on a number line to subtract, using addition to help with subtraction, and adding and subtracting using mental math strategies.

RELIGION:  We have been discussing the sacrament of Baptism and the symbols used in Baptism (holy water, holy oil, Baptismal candle, and white clothing). 

BOOK ORDERS:  I am enclosing book orders in today's take home folder.  Book orders are due next Friday, September 13 if you are interested in ordering.  If you don't see a book you're looking for in the flyer, there are many books for students at all reading levels online at   You are not limited to ordering only the books in the flyer being sent home.  To order online, our class code is LJWD4.  

CHROMEBOOKS:  The second graders will be using their Chromebooks with two math programs called "SuccessMaker" and "Teachley Math."  Both programs will be used to help increase overall understanding of grade level math concepts and cover essential concepts including number sense, operations, place value, and problem solving. Students will also be using their Chromebooks with Code.  Code is a program that provides opportunities for students to learn computer science.  Students will also have the opportunity to practice keyboarding skills with a program we are using called "Typetastic," and will practice various language arts, science, and social studies skills with "Seesaw."  Throughout the school year students will be using their Chromebooks for many other different learning opportunities as well.

SPIRIT DAY:  Tomorrow, September 6 is a Spirit Day.  Students can pay $1.00 to wear a hat,  sweatpants, or sunglasses to school if they wish.  The money raised helps those in  need in our local community.  Students can also wear their Cyclone or Hawkeye shirt to support their favorite Iowa team for the upcoming Cy-Hawk game!!