August 23, 2024

WELCOME TO SECOND GRADE:  Another great school year is beginning and I am thrilled to be a part of it.  We are going to have an excellent year, and I'll do my best to keep you informed about events, student progress, and school subjects throughout the year.

WEEKLY TAKE HOME FOLDERS:  I plan to follow the same procedure as Mrs. Levine did last year.  All work and other notes or letters will be sent home EACH THURSDAY in a folder so you can look at what your child has been working on.  PLEASE return the folder to school EACH FRIDAY.

STAR READER OF THE WEEK:  Each Friday students will take turns being the "Star Reader of the Week."  The "Star Reader" will read a favorite story from home to the class.  I will let you know in advance when your child will be the "Star Reader."

SHOW AND SHARE:  Each second grade student will have an assigned "Show and Share" day of the week.  When it is your child's show and share day, please have him/her bring ONE item from home that he/she would like to share with the class.  Please look in next week's take home folder for when his/her show and share day will be each week.

Please do not bring live pets/animals for sharing.  Some students have allergies, and pets can get excited in a different setting.  If your child would like to share about his/her pet, pictures may be brought in to share with the class.

SCHEDULING INFORMATION:  Mondays and Thursdays are P.E. days.  Tuesdays and Fridays are music days.  Wednesdays are school Mass/dress up days.  We will also have library on Thursdays.

BIRTHDAYS:  We will celebrate your child's birthday in our classroom.  Summer birthdays may be celebrated on your child's half birthday or at the end of the school year...whichever you prefer.

As stated in the family handbook, birthday treats are to be:

  • NO CUPCAKES FROM A BAKERY/STORE ( These are not individually wrapped and are very difficult to hand out.)
Please note that refrigeration is not provided, so plan accordingly if you are wanting to bring a treat that needs to be kept cold/frozen.

Please do not send birthday invitations to school to be passed out.  It is difficult to know whether each child will get the invitation home.  Please mail or email birthday invitations to ensure their guaranteed arrival.

GETTING HOME AFTER SCHOOL:  As part of our morning routine, students will let me know how they are getting home after school.  If you have a change in transportation plans for your child that is different from the usual plans, please send a note with your child or call the school office so that I will know for sure how your child is planning on going home.  A note or phone call will better assure that your child will be where he/she needs to be after school.

LIBRARY TIME: The second graders will have library check out on Thursdays.

SOCIAL CONTRACT:  The second graders will soon be creating an agreement of behavior called a "social contract."  While building our social contract students will think about how they want to be treated by each other, the teacher, and how we treat each other when there is a conflict.  The goal in creating a social contract is to have a self-managing group where students think about how they should treat others.  More information about our second grade social contract will come in future newsletters.

SOCIAL STUDIES:  The second graders will have Mrs. Levine (1st grade teacher) as their social studies teacher this year.  While Mrs. Levine is teaching social studies to the second grade, I will be in the first grade classroom teaching religion.

KEEP IN TOUCH:  Please feel free to stop in and visit anytime.  I am looking forward to working with your child this year!

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